Before it's considered meditation...

It's that deep breath that you take to avoid punching someone.

The long exhalation that keeps the profanity from bulldozing your 10ft radius.

Breath is our bodies connection to our mind. Take this moment to feel it's power, slowly and deliberately inhale and exhale deeply...

It's beautiful, right? So trust in me now, before you can "meditate", you ARE, it's just dependent on your consciousness of such. I think many individuals are scared off by the idea of mastering something, the notion that only floating monks are capable, yet we do it all day with little to no awareness - we breathe.

If you can breathe, you can meditate. If you can meditate, you can navigate your life more simply by responding to obstacles, rather than reacting to them. Meditation brings grace and presence to our moments. If you'd like to join me for a guided meditation to assist you in finding some Zen, I'm in the La Jolla area and either on my bougainvillea drenched patio or down at the beach, I'd love to gift you this presence. If you're not in San Diego and interested, message me and we'll figure it out, it's life changing, promise, x

this isn't a dream...

this isn't a dream...